Become a member
Dear ladies,
We are pleased to invite active ladies to visit the International Women’s club of Moldova, which has been uniting women from all over the world for over 27 years.
Our community is a unique and the only place in Moldova where every foreign woman can feel herself in a friendly, tolerant and ideological environment.
Respect for multiculturalism and the desire to share the good are our unchanging values, on the basis of which we build an influential and powerful activity in the field of charity, assistance to children and women, support for people in need, internally displaced persons and refugees
The Club is developing rapidly and we sincerely believe that you can help us make this world and especially local society a better place and help change thousands of lives!
You can learn more about our projects here:
Complete the Member Request form
We will be very happy to have you on our team
• Why to become a member of the IWCM
As a member of the club you will be part of a strong, international and supportive community.
Furthermore, the club membership offers you:
- the opportunity to participate in members only social activities and tours,
- the attendance in the monthly meetings,
- exclusive discounts from selected partners,
- the involvement in the charity work of the club,
- the participation in Potluck lunches, which take place at Member’s homes occasionally,
- the right to vote in Administration Board elections and be nominated as a Board member.
• Can you attend IWCM events if you are not a member?
Yes! Members are encouraged to invite guests to the monthly meetings. There is 200 MDL participation fee for the refreshments drinks/per person, paid at the entrance (cash/card).
If you have any questions about membership, or like to know, how and where we can meet, please email our Membership Coordinator, Yerie Mari Kamara at 068261754 or [email protected]
• How to become a member of the IWCM
If you are interested to become a member, to support our important charity work and you like to join our social & activity groups, join us at any of the Monthly Meetings and get to know us. We are more than happy to introduce you to the club and our work.
The IWCM season runs from September 1st of each year until June 30st of the following year, and you may join at any time. The annual membership fee is 1000 MDL.
Membership is valid after the payment of the membership fee was settled.
You can make payment online directly to the IWCM bank account. Here are the bank account details:
str. Arborilor, 21, Chișinău, Republica Moldova
C/d: 224710SV80621097100
IBAN MD60MO2224ASV80621097100
C/f: 1014620009467