On 20th March in Chiศinฤu, Moldova, IMBCO hosted an event centered around the Discovery of Indian Cuisine and a pre-Holi celebration. The first half of t...
#Martisor is a traditional spring holiday, to which our International Women's Club of Moldova - IWCM dedicated a monthly meeting in March with the partic...
On the 26th of November 2023, Palatul Republicii has given every
visitor a chance to travel around the world in just a few hours hosting
the 25-th Edition of the INTERNATIO...
A new star lights up in our expat sky: today we talk to Inna Rothmann,ย Coordinator of the International Charity Bazaarย which the IWCM holds annually,ย wri...
International Women's Club of Moldova - #IWCM made donation for the beneficiaries of Centrul Speranศei Chiศinฤu developed by Hospices of Hope Moldova
INTERNATIONAL CHARITY BAZAAR, Moldova - the most attractive and beautiful area is the area of gifts where the magic happens through the Raffle organized ...