2019 – 2020 Beneficiaries
The 2019 Grants Committee has received more than 110 applications. They are projects from different parts of Moldova and areas of activity. Ten beneficiaries were chosen, the priority being given to the ones that:
– haven’t benefited from such a financial support from our part last year,
– have demonstrated to focus on the most economically and socially vulnerable citizens,
– had the best arguments as to why they need this support and how it will be used.

Asociatia Obsteasca “Copii Ploii”, Chisinau
Association aims to help people diagnosed with rare genetic diseases and autism, and to support their families in order to improve the quality of their life.
Support for: Equipping the kinetotherapy room to help children with rare genetic diseases to move and be active.
Grant: 95,000 MDL

Moldova AID, Rîșcani
Moldova AID aims to make a world where children, lonely old people, adults with special needs have access to the same opportunities as others to fulfil their life’s ambitions; a world where we can all live safely with dignity, respect, and quality care.
Support for: funding the boiler for the pool.
Grant: 35,000 MDL

Liceului Teoretic cu profil tehnologic pentru copii cu vederea slaba, Chisinau
This special high school educates 78 students with visual impairments and associated disabilities.
Support for: Construction of bathrooms, tactile pathways, playground with tactile activities and installation of sound signals system.
Grant: 150,000 MDL

Asociatia Obsteasca “Compasiune”, Ialoveni
This Association launched a new social project, called “Friendly day center for people in difficulty”, to improve inclusion of vulnerable and helpless segments of the population (elderly, disabled, homeless, children from families with high poverty, etc).
Support for: funding new doors and windows.
Grant: 39,720 MDL

Centrul de plasament pentru copii, Cupcui
Within the Center are placed children from socially vulnerable families, children victims of violence, neglect, exploitation and trafficking and with medium disabilities. Currently the Center services benefit 33 children (between 4 and 18 years old).
Support for: renovation of the playground.
Grant: 45,000 MDL

Tony Hawks Centre, Chisinau
The Centre aims to improve the life quality of chronically ill children from socially vulnerable families. It works together with the parents of the children to give a hope to the family and prevent the child being abandoned to a life locked away in an institution.
Support for: construction of a kitchen for occupational therapy.
Grant: 86,000 MDL

Diabetes Youth Association (DIA), Chisinau
It is an independent, non-governmental organization aims to increase the quality and life expectancy of people with type 1 diabetes (children, young people), providing education, advocacy and support in access to insulin, blood glucose monitoring, therapeutic education, urgent and long-term medical care.
Support for: funding 21 glucose monitoring tools for 20 little children.
Grant: 124,608 MDL

Regina Pacis Foundation, Chisinau
It is a non-political, non-commercial public utility organization that aims to facilitate the reintegration of people in difficulty. Particularly, its mission is to create a protective environment for the development of children and young people at risk.
Support for: renovation of the kitchen and funding new beds.
Grant: 75,000 MDL

School #6, Chisinau
It is a secondary school for children with special needs (Down syndrome and autism). The teachers make great efforts to give the best knowledge to their students and develope their abilities. 88 kids will benefit from our support.
Support for: funding school audio system.
Grant: 9,500 MDL